Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fair Play: Race

In this section of Fair Play, we discuss the racial diversity within video games. Male or female, the preference is always white. In addition, characters take stereotypical roles. While non-whites seem to take inferior roles to the white character controlled male, the sad part is that we have all become desensitized to this fact. We’ve become accustomed to seeing a white male as the superior being, while remaining indifferent to Hispanics, African Americans, even Asians taking not only stereotypical roles, but an exaggerated aspect of characteristics of these individuals –unrealistically taking place, since we all have differences even within our own culture.

Like previously said in a prior blog, why is that every other race other than white is displayed has violent characters, whether its verbal or physical aggression, and a when a white character is being violent its typically in self defense, and God forbid females show any aggression, this rare act in women even takes a stereotypical view as well.

What I don’t understand is that violence does not have any race or gender, than why is that these games still take an ethnicity and completely defame them, because of a false stereotype. You can be white, black, yellow or red and be violent, because violence is innate within every person, it’s the way we display the aggression that is wrong.

You will never see a game that targets the Black Italian community, like Super Mario targets the general Italian community and still its stereotypical by assuming that all Italians are plumbers. They are an approximate 755,000 Black Italians residing in Italy (, so why does the media not target this community -- if they do, they will take this sad stereotype of a thug.

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