Friday, November 27, 2009

Art form for the Digital Age

Video games, is it a new art form or not? Whether its a console or computer game, according to Henry Jenkins "games are art - a popular art, an emerging art, a largely unrecognized art, but art nevertheless". I would have to completely agree. As time passes and the more advanced games become, the more they seem to appear as a film. Story lines are becoming more intricate, graphics are more vivid, even in cartoon like games like Super Mario the graphics are becoming more realistic and 3-D; so doesn't this alone make it an art form? Games have become more captivating and enhanced as time passes, intriguing people and making players more and more involved as technology progresses. Video games are part of this digital era, and i believe its the same type of art as any other animated film or show.

1 comment:

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