The cycle of oppression theory states that during our childhood we learn misinformation, bias history, as well as stereotypes, and we perceive them as true facts. Through socialization misinformation is reinforced by people that we trust, such as, family, friends, the education systems, media, government, and our places of worship. The influences are so strong that whatever is not part of your belief system is seen as abnormal and wrong. We then pass the misinformation to others, and the cycle begins again. Although there is no one that is naturally oppressive or oppressed, however, its a mistreatment based on membership in your various groups.
This cycle can be seen in the smallest of groups. For example, in families that are multicultural, many times one of the cultures will be looked down upon and so parents tell their children to say that they're simply American. Then children slowly begin to think that their actual culture is a disgrace, and they begin to have self image issues as well as complexes with their culture.
Cycle of Oppression
Ways to break the Cycle

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