Saturday, September 12, 2009


Allegra Geller, one of the most notorious virtual reality designers of the world, and the creator of eXistenZ has come together with a focus group to debut her latest game. While commencing the game in an auditorium, one of the game fanatics attempt against her life with a peculiar organic gun; in addition to harming the game pod that is attached to the bottom of the individuals’ spine through a bio-port where the game is installed in to the gamer. Allegra Geller then escapes with marketing trainee, Ted Pikul. In his journey to help save the creator’s life, Ted is convinced by Allegra to get a bio-port in order to play eXistenZ, and test out the possible damages the game has undergone.
In many occasions, while playing the game, Ted worries about the conditions of his actual body. Being that the game feels so real, he is scared that he loses touch with his reality. The loss of reality and self control becomes a primary uneasiness for gamers. EXistenZ creates a new identity for those who play. This causes an unreal reality that parallels to the real world and disturbs them mentally, by not knowing if they are in the game or in their real lives. For example, the real and virtual worlds become a confusion to the extent that when you are not playing you think you are, and you then act accordingly. Like we saw at the end of the film when they were done playing, Allegra and Ted were simply characters in a similar game. Here we see the reality, or do we? When they react against the maker of the game they were actually playing, in the same manner as “Allegra” was nearly killed. Was that part of the game, truly reality, or was the game brought into the real world, where the player was acting upon gaming instinct. It seems as if the more you play, the more these impulses become an addiction, and innate to the human being.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, those who play the game is given a new identity, but also fear the outcome of what could happen next. However, their were certain scene where they really did not know if they was still in the game or if they were back to reality.It came to a point where Ted ask if the game could be paused, because he was upset about problems that was going on in the game, such as the infected bio-port. Watching the movie it did make me think was this reality or just a game.
